Thursday, April 22, 2010

Transforming Health Care

Boy, my blood gets to boiling often these days. Too many people believe all this nonsense passing as "science" because the government lets it go by. Do we have healthcare? I don't think so, at least not in mainstream medicine. Here's why:

Doctors and nurses are not educated in health maintanence, they are educated in disease management. Most physicians have fewer than 10 hours of nutritional education in medical school. That's shocking, since diet is what causes disease in the first place and is the basis for healing.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, 40% of American hospitals have fast food restaurants on their campus. What? We have the Susan G. Koman foundation letting Kentucky Fried Chicken put their pink ribbon on the buckets of chicken we are supposed to buy so we don't get cancer? What??? This is a travesty!

The government needs to support a healthy nation. We need food subsudies that support fruits and vegetables, not packaged food. People on food stamps should find it cheaper to eat fresh than packaged. In fact, all of us should. We need a tax on junk food to discourage people from feeding their sugar habits. It is a personal choice, but we humans tend to take the least painful path.

Now go out there and eat a nice fresh salad!

So, if we are really interested in cutting costs in medical care, we are going to have to do our part by cutting out all fast food, eating mostly raw vegetables and fruits, eating clean protein (like meat that is at least hormone and antibiotic free), and stopping the binge eating of chips, crackers, white flour products, packaged snack foods, frozen TV dinners (yes, that includes Lean Cuisine), and sugar. Otherwise, we are chasing the tail of the dragon and we will never be able to keep up with the cost of the monster that passes for healthcare in this country.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Cindy - "reformed nurse" - love it.
    I am so happy to find more people like you out there to help fix what is very broken in this country. Currently living in Kingman and looking for some help - Saw this blog and thought you could use a comment... I am searching for your phone number...
