Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Help for entreprenuers!

Here is a site sent to me to help small business people with their marketing. I think it's helpful and may be of value to you. I have a home business opportunity for people interested in helping others while you make a great living. There is no risk and tons of potential. I am currently writing a book on the subject of taking charge of your health. Bear with me while I complete this project, then I'll be back writing about the truth about health. In the meantime, please do check out this link and let me know what you think of it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Safety of the Food We Eat

Cindy Holt, RN, LMT

I read an article recently that listed common ingredients in commercial food and drugs that should be avoided for very good reasons. This is not an exhaustive list, but it's a good start. I found lots of information on the internet- you should be able to check these facts easily.

The first is Yellow Dye #5 and #6. They are grouped together because they cause the same problems. Yellow Dye #5 is also called Tartrazine and #6 is also called Annatto. Both dyes have been banned in several European countries. They are known to cause allergic reactions, indigestion, clinical depression, anxiety, vision disturbances, a feeling of not being able to breathe, migraines, and possibly ADHD symptoms. It is commonly found in skim milk, Tang, canned fruit, yogurt, shampoo, makeup, toothpaste, aspirin, lotions, and packaged macaroni and cheese. This is not an exhaustive list, but some of the more subtle places. Any food colored yellow, brown, or green is suspect. It may or may not be listed on the label, as many companies use ingredients that contain yellow dyes but do not have to list their small amounts. Unfortunately, once one has become sensitive to any of the substances I’m about to talk about, a minute amount is all that is needed to produce the untoward effect.

Second on the list is saccharin. It is derived from coal tar and has been known to be carcinogenic since 1977. Coal tar is a petroleum product, and if you want to ingest gasoline, go ahead. But at least say you knew what it was.

Third is Red dye #3. Several sources I found stated all red dyes should be avoided by women. Red dyes are found in many foods as well as lipsticks. Many are derived from coal tar as well. Red dye has been linked to abnormal thyroid function, migraines, and ADHD. Some feel it is also linked to cancer.

Fourth on this list are hydrogenated oils. Many of you are aware of the dangers of hydrogenated oils, but don’t know exactly what they are. Basically, they are fats that used to be liquids at room temperature but now are solids, such as margarine and shortening. They are made by heating the oils (what causes them to degrade and form free radicals) then hydrogen gas is passed through it so the fatty acids acquire a hydrogen molecule. They contain high levels of trans fat, which is far more deadly than any saturated fat on the market, like butter. Trans fats interfere with critical metabolic functions and are known to accelerate plaque formation in arteries, or heart disease.

Fifth is MSG, or monosodium glutamate. It used to be commonly found in Chinese food, causing what was referred to as “Chinese food syndrome”. Although it must be listed on the label if in a product, it is also found hidden in “texturized vegetable protein” or “other natural flavors”. Since the FDA allows this to happen, the average consumer is unaware of the hidden dangers. MSG is in a category of substances referred to as “excitotoxins”. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, has written several books on this subject, one of which is titled “Excitotoxins”. It is his belief that the presence of these substances in foods can trigger the genes for neurological diseases such as MS, ALS, Alzheimers’, Parkinson’s, and seizures among many others. The toxic substances include Aspartame (Nutrasweet) and many other food additives. The book is easy to read and quite an eye-opener. If you don’t like the idea of exciting the neurons in your brain to death, you should read it.

Sixth on our “hit parade” is intersterified fat. This is a new method of modifying fat that has health advocates up in arms. It’s known to raise blood sugar while suppressing insulin in healthy persons, much like the condition of adult onset diabetes. It also lowers the “good” cholesterol, HDL, while it raises the “bad” cholesterol, LDL. This is exactly the opposite of what you want. Of course, its ability to improve shelf life, much like hydrogenated oils, is what commercial food companies like about it. And, given the FDA’s overwhelming concern for our health (that was sarcasm), it looks like it may pass FDA approval. Watch out!

Seventh on the list is high fructose corn syrup. Now, the commercial food industry has been trying to comfort you with TV commercials assuring you HFCS is “just sugar”. Uh huh. Well, it is closely linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The research on its disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, namely it’s cheap. Avoid it like the plague if you want to avoid diabetes.

Eighth is another pairing of like substances, BHA and BHT. Both are used as preservatives in baked goods and many other things. They are listed on the label as they are common allergens. Additionally, they are linked to cancer, and are endocrine disruptors. They are also commonly found in commercial pet food. Another reason I make my dog’s food. They are associated with health and behavior problems in pets and humans.

Ninth is aspartame, although I have already mentioned it as an excitotoxin. I personally have known 2 people whose MS-like symptoms resolved when they stopped using diet sodas and artificial sweeteners in general. But, aspartame has been linked to leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer, paralysis, and OBESITY. It is NOT a good weight loss food. Recently, the dairy industry has asked to allow it to be added to flavored milk for school lunch programs. It seems the chocolate and strawberry milk they were using is too high in calories for recent calls to reduce obesity rates in children. This is in light of the fact a study, done by a prestigious European research center, was published in 2005. This 3 year study on 1800 rats, known as the Ramazzini Study, found aspartame to cause lymphoma and leukemia, and called it a “multipotential” carcinogen. Is this what you want your children consuming?

Tenth on this list is “Artificial Flavoring”, as found on ubiquitous labels in the grocery store. A quick internet search yielded far more information than I could relate here, but here’s a brief synopsis. This was an alphabetized list of individual substances, and I only got to the beginning of the “C’s”. Here’s what we KNOW to be true about those substances the FDA allows to be added to food and listed only as “artificial flavoring”. They may cause: liver damage, lung problems, DEATH, vertigo, coma, weakness, stomach upset, skin irritation, chest pain, headache, fatigue, poisoning, cancer, kidney failure, fetal death, loss of night vision, and did I mention DEATH??

Last, but certainly not least, is Acesulfame-K. This lovely little food additive is frequently added to Splenda to improve the sweetness of both. It is marketed as “Sweet One” and “Sunett”. Kraft adds sodium ferulate to mask the bitter taste of Acesulfame-K. Health advocates feel it is by far the most toxic of all the artificial sweeteners on the market, and when you read about the others, you know how bad it must be. It was released to the market by the FDA even though it was shown in multiple tests to be a carcinogen. It affects thyroid function in rats, rabbits, and dogs- so what do you think it might do to you? It is also linked to leukemia, chronic respiratory disease, and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

I feel I need to add a note about Splenda. I found much of this information on the following website: http://www.truthaboutsplenda.com/. Splenda is a chlorinated artificial sweetener not found it nature. It is completely manufactured. A 2008 study at Duke University found it suppresses the normal bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to helping digest and absorb nutrients from food, these bacteria are essential to the health of your immune system. These adverse affects were found using the same dosages approved by the FDA, not some mega quantities that no one would ever consume. The manufacturer claims Splenda is not absorbed, but apparently up to 35% of it is, and stays in the body for up to 46 hours. This study is in question as the design is felt to be flawed. Neways, a company with high standards for safety, feels the very small amount they use is safe, based on current knowledge.

Monday, May 25, 2009


By Cindy Holt, RN, LMT

Is your nose running and are you scaring the dog when you sneeze violently? You’re not alone! I did some research on this, and I found it’s not just about the pollen. Yes, the juniper pollen spikes about now where I live, but pollen of some kind or another is always around. According to one article I read, your diet may be the number one aggravating factor. Foods can increase or decrease allergy symptoms, even if you’re not exactly “allergic” to them. Some foods increase inflammation, others mitigate it. We all have foods we can’t digest properly, and you are probably not aware of most of them. Many people are sensitive to wheat and wheat gluten, even if you don’t have classic allergy symptoms like rash and itching. Next common are milk and dairy foods, and corn is a close third. To check to see if you have a problem with a particular food, eliminate it from your diet for 3 weeks. Then, introduce it back and eat it 3 or 4 times. If you develop symptoms like gas and bloating, indigestion, headache, fatigue after eating, or true allergic symptoms like a rash or increased runny nose, know that you need to eliminate that food from your diet.

Next, try honey- local Arizona honey made from the plant you think you are allergic to is best. Start with a taste and increase to a teaspoon a day gradually. You can also use bee pollen (from local bees) with similar results and less calories. Always ramp up the serving slowly! Foods like blueberries, and herbs like gingko biloba are also anti-inflammatory. I recommend antioxidant blends based on my personal experience with allergies over the years. I virtually eliminated all my chronic sinus problems and frequent bronchitis by taking antioxidants on a daily basis.

Stress can also trigger allergies because it dampens the immune system. Take an exercise class, do some yoga, get regular massage, or try meditation. Whatever works for you! Stress reduction is critical to solving many health issues.

The cleaning products you use to clean at home and in the office can also make allergies worse. I read a report back when I was doing nursing that the most hazardous profession is housecleaning, because of the harmful chemicals used by them. (I have a shocking video I can send you, as well as a CD you can listen to on this subject). Children are particularly vulnerable to chemicals used around them. Pregnant women must be extremely careful as the fetus doesn’t have brain protection as older children do, and are frequently damaged in the womb by what the mother is exposed to.

And, frequent use of antibiotics also harms the immune system and can make you more susceptible to allergens. If you must take an antibiotic, take probiotics afterwards to balance the good and bad bacteria in your colon.

Last but not least, eliminate the use of “fragrances” from your home, car, office, and personal care products. They are usually made from petrochemicals, and are linked to many problems, including allergies but even worse, cancer.

What Is Your Wellness Plan?

What’s Your Wellness Plan?
By Cindy Holt, RN, LMT

Everyone needs a plan. We have a plan to work, a plan to save, a plan to vacation, and even an emergency exit plan, to name a few. But, do you have a plan for your health? Simply visiting your doctor once a year may not be enough. Few doctors take the time to know their patients anymore, and you the patient must be the gatekeeper of records, history, and be responsible for monitoring how you feel on many levels.

I’m talking about your plan to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. I find most people’s health plan is an insurance plan and hope. But is that health care or sick care? Here’s what I think a good health plan should entail.

Good food. Eat healthy, balanced meals 90% of the time, leaving 10% for fun times. Make vegetables the basis of your diet, eating most of them raw. A few vegetables are better for you cooked, like tomatoes, but fresh tomatoes from your garden are really good too. Meat, as long as its fresh and hormone and pesticide free is OK, in moderation. We really don’t need that much meat. Fish and chicken are better than red meat. Beef should be from grass fed cattle. Grain is not a normal food for cows. Some whole grains are good for us, but in limited quantities. Avoid white flour and white sugar like the plague. I like organic food when I can get it fresh and local, but I’m not passionate about it. Unfortunately, much of what is labeled organic is not.
Exercise regularly. Do what you like to do, but get your heart pumping for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week. If you are trying to lose weight, you must work up a sweat to get your metabolism elevated. Flexibility exercise is also important- stretching, yoga, or Pilate's are all good ways to achieve better balance and strength overall.
Take vitamins. You can’t get all you need from your food anymore. Take a good NATURALLY-SOURCED supplement protocol, and expect to have to take more than one product. One a day types are simply too compactly processed to release their contents before they get too far down the gastrointestinal tract to be absorbed. Ask your doctor about being tested for vitamin D3 deficiency. Most people are quite deficient, and this deficiency has been linked to cancer, osteoporosis, and several other serious conditions. Take D3 daily; about 1000-5000 IU is being recommended for most people. You can take too much, so read all the labels on your vitamin packages to see how much you are actually taking.
Attend to your spirituality. If you don’t like religion, find some way to relate to your higher self. Gratitude is a great place to start.
Attend to your body and emotional connections. Massage is a great way to learn more about where you hold your tension, and what emotions you store there. Tension creates pain in joints, muscles, and the fascia. Tension can lead to arthritis locally, and a host of other stress related diseases in the entire body. Learn to experience emotion honestly, so you don’t have to store it for later.
Pay attention to your thoughts. If they run on the negative side, be aware we tend to attract that which we focus upon. Don’t focus on lack, but instead focus on the gratitude for what you do have.

Statistics of Disease Related to Diet

Health News You Can Use
Most of us have busy lives- hectic schedules, jobs at home and away from home, stressful living and working conditions. This factor plus others such as soil depletion, toxins and environmental pollutants, and our general ignorance or laziness all contribute to a very clear deterioration of health in the American public. It is no coincidence that the facts below indicate a significant problem for holistic health issues over the past 20 years.

Recent governmental studies (U.S.D.A.) indicate that the fruits and vegetables grown today have 25-50% less nutritional value than those grown only 20 years ago. Our farming methods include replacing only 3 nutrients into the soil, and this combined with food processing and further loss of nutrients leads to food that is not as nutritious as it once was, even as recent as 20 years ago. When I was a kid, fast food restaurants were rare and we ate at one maybe twice a year. Today, 90% of adults and 98% of children do not eat a balanced diet.

The American Cancer society states that 30% of all cancer is related to diet, and another 30% are related to tobacco and alcohol.. This means we could prevent 60% of all cancers! They recommend 9-11 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. How many do you eat?
Consider these chilling facts:
q Prostate cancer kills one man every 13 minutes (US Center for disease control)
q 60% of Americans are overweight making it the # 2 preventable cause of death (US Health 2000)
q Free radical damage is linked to heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, & arthritis (US Center for Disease Control)
q Cancer rates have increased by over 25% in the last 20 years (US Health 2000)
q Diabetes related deaths have doubled in the last 20 years (US Health 2000)
q The number of children considered overweight has more than doubled since 1980 (US Health 2000)
q Nearly 300 people a day die of adverse reactions from properly prescribed medications, making drug therapy the 4th leading cause of death (American Medical Journal and US Health 2000)
q Arthritis is the nation’s leading cause of disability as it affects 43 million people and is responsible for 1 out of 7 doctor visits (US Center for Disease Control)
q Prescription drug costs were expected to rise another 43% in 2002, bringing the average cost of a single prescription to over $90 (WI Health Fund)
q Osteoporosis is 100% preventable and difficult to treat
q Taking a combination of natural phytoestrogens (NOT synthetic HRT) reduces the risk of stroke by 60% and the risk of female breast cancer by 90% with no side effects (John R. Lee, M.D.)
q People who consistently consume adequate antioxidants can expect:
Cancer rates: Down 13% (National Cancer institute)
Cancer survival Up 50% (West Virginia University)
Heart attacks and strokes Down 50% (Harvard University)
Skin cancer: Down 70% (John Hopkins University)
Infections Down 55% (New Jersey Medical School)
Cataracts Down 35% (Harvard University)

Energetic Healing

Energetic Healing
Cindy Holt, RN, LMT

Energy healing is not some “New Age” phenomenon. It’s roots go far back into ancient times, and in more recent times, superstitious people labeled energy healers as “witches” or practitioners of black magic. Some of that superstition persists today among the religious and atheists alike. Although we don’t literally burn these people at the stake anymore, there is a lot of skepticism and fear when energy healing is brought up in some circles.

Many scientists today, particularly those who study Quantum physics, understand energy healing from an energetic standpoint. We instinctively use our innate healing ability when we cover an injury with our hand, or kiss a skinned knee. We heal when we comfort a friend in distress. Words are sounds, which is energy. Words are a product of thoughts, which also are energy.

We all have the ability to use our own energy to heal. Our hands contain many joints, which are associated with energy centers, sometimes called chakras. Some people have gifts from God that allow them to send energy for more powerful healings. My belief is that this gift allows these people to release or direct healing light more easily. Some have the gift of sight as well, which allows them to see what dis-ease they are actually healing. Others just “know” what to do and rely on feedback from their receiving clients.

I have personally experienced energy healing from a number of gifted healers. I have had relief of pain, improved structural function, and more mental clarity. When doing my form of energy healing, I have had people report profound relaxation, improved mental clarity, relief of pain, and a change in mood towards the positive.

I invite you to experience some of this wonderful form of healing. Go with no expectations, as we often do not know what God’s agenda is; and it often conflicts with ours. It could change your mind!

Health Care Crisis- Heathcare or Sickcare?

The Health Care Crisis
Cindy Holt RN, BSN, LMT

I entered the health care field when the practice of medicine was fairly low tech. There were no MRI’s, and no lasers, and many of the drugs essential to us now were not available. Health care was pretty cheap 35 years ago, but times have changed. With the cost of this technology on the sharp rise, so went the cost of health care. We now expect a certain level of care, and it costs us a pretty penny. HMO’s (Health Maintenance Organizations) were created to help control costs by streamlining medical care and creating protocols designed to reduce waste and improve efficiency. Many think they just created a whole new series of problems, while taking the profit away from doctors and giving it to administrators.

My idea is that we need to be more proactive about our own health. It is irresponsible to expect the “system” to fix our bodies after we have done nothing to maintain it. We need well-care, not sick-care. We need to be the captain of our own ship, and this requires education. Exercise, diet, and proper rest are essential. Many of us have no idea what proper rest and diet consists of, much less how to get it. Exercise is important, but exercising wrong can diminish the benefits you want.

You can’t always trust the media to give you the truth, either. They print what sells copies, and sensational stories sell more than mundane truths about diet and exercise. As a registered nurse and wellness specialist, I feel it is my duty and privilege to educate the public on fact versus fiction. I tire of the endless critics of the vitamin industry. The fact is, taking high quality naturally sourced vitamin supplements can save your life. An article in the December 1996 journal of the American Medical Association cited a study where healthy volunteers taking selenium supplements for 5 years had 63% fewer prostate cancers, 58% fewer colon cancers, and 45% fewer lung cancers than the control group. And this is only one of the many antioxidants now known to be essential for good health. Scientific evidence now shows that low doses of several antioxidants taken together in a blended product have greater health benefits than larger doses of any single antioxidant.

Just like what you’d find in nature’s fruits and vegetables. Not all multiple vitamins are created equal, either. Some are so firmly compacted that they won’t even dissolve in your system, so are excreted whole. Some are purely chemical and not recognized by the body. Talk about money down the drain. Beverly Rubik, world renowned biophysicist, wrote “Nutritional supplements today are a necessity, not a luxury. People need the right combination of dietary supplements to improve and protect their health.” I agree with her. What’s in YOUR diet?
Safe Ingredients For Personal Care Products
By Cindy Holt, RN, LMT

Last month I discussed the dangers of chemicals in your personal care products. I came across this list of ingredients that should NOT be in your soap, lotion, toothpaste, mouthwash, or shampoo, or anything else that comes in contact with your body.
Alcohol or isopropyl (SD 40)
DEA (diethanolamine)
FD&C (color pigments)
MEA (monoethanolamine)
Mineral Oil (petroleum product)
PED (Polyethelene glycol- antifreeze)
PG (Propolene Glycol- antifreeze)
Sodium Laurel (or Laureth) Sulfate (SLS)
TEA (triethanolamine)

The risks of cancer are all around the environment. We shouldn’t be compounding the risk with the personal care products we use. Don’t be fooled by labels that tout “Natural” without reading the labels. The FDA doesn’t have the funding to monitor these claims. For products that are triple tested for safety, view http://ineways.com/holtholistichealing

Interesting Books on the True Nature of Medicine

Healing versus Curing
Cindy Holt, RN, LMT

I have been reading an interesting book on the author’s vision of the future of medicine. He is a physician himself, and his book raises some interesting points that most physicians are either unwilling to discuss, or unwilling to acknowledge. "First, do no harm.", the famous statement by Hippocrates, the father of medicine, seems all but forgotten. "The Yoga of Time Travel" by Fred Alan Wolfe, Ph.D. and "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot give more information about the quantum physics behind all this. If you are ready to really stretch your mind, try reading "Matrix Energetics" by Richard Bartlett, DC, ND.

First of all, you heal yourself. Your body is an amazing organism that has the capacity to heal most things. If the organism is overwhelmed by a virulent attack or injury, it may require outside assistance, but for the most part, you do your own healing. Modalities such as homeopathy, Chinese medicine, and Ayervedic medicine help stimulate the body’s innate abilities while doing the least amount of harm.

Curing, on the other hand, is something that is done to you. Western medicine considers you “cured” when you no longer present the symptoms you came in with. Comprehensive medicine (the combination of Western medicine and Alternative medicine) disagrees in instances when only the presenting symptoms are considered and not what caused the problem in the first place. Simply wiping out or suppressing symptoms invites the underlying dis-ease to make a comeback in the form of another illness or symptom.

Consider that fact that we are made of atoms. Everything in our world is made of atoms. What is occupying the rest of the space not occupied by electrons, protons, and nuclei? What if the answer is energy, or ch’i, or prana, or God’s light? If our illnesses are caused by a disruption of this energy, then what would be the best way to correct the illness and achieve balance in the energetic system? Restoring energy patterns and flows seems to me to be the logical answer. All chronic diseases of our time are caused by a pattern in our life which then creates matter in our body that we call disease. This pattern may be the way we eat and fail to meet nutrition requirements, the way we treat our body with lack of rest, or the way we abuse ourselves with negative thoughts and criticism of all by which we feel threatened.

Healing also has three levels. You can seem perfectly healthy on the outside, and deemed so by the fact you have no symptoms. However, you have a seething anger toward another person you have kept bottled up for years. You are not mentally healthy. Or, you are angry at God, have no connection with a sense of a higher self or purpose, and may be in spiritual distress. There is no healing possible on a physical level if the other levels are not in a healthy balance.

Modern medicine has made wonderful achievements, but its ego is in an unbalanced state. When we fear something simply because it interferes with how we perceive reality and then act to stomp it out of existence, we have become unbalanced in our own thinking. Comprehensive medicine has great potential, and I urge you all to keep an open mind in the area of health and medicine. Many great things can be done when we work together.

How Toxic is YOUR House?

How Toxic is YOUR House?
By Cindy Holt, RN, BSN, LMT

I’ve been doing some reading. My friends say that scares them, since I usually come up with something else they shouldn’t be doing. I’ve known for some time that household cleaners aren’t good for us. In fact, back when I was nursing full time, (at least 9 years ago) I read that the most toxic profession was housekeeping. I chuckled and said that wouldn’t likely affect me since I was allergic to housework and usually had someone else clean my house. But think about that- household products are so toxic that if you do a lot of cleaning, you’ll get sick. They were talking about lung cancer, liver cancer, chronic bronchitis, and a bunch of other scary diseases. One of the most ubiquitous toxic ingredients, according to Dr. Sam Epstein, M.D., an expert in the field of environmental and occupational medicine, is Sodium Laureth (or Lauryl) Sulfate. I’ve checked, and it’s in everything from soaps, to laundry detergent, to dish detergent, to baby products. It's not so much that it causes cancer, but it irritates and denatures the protein in your skin so other toxins can get into the blood more easily. And here’s another “fun” tidbit. Many cleaning products don’t have to list their “secret” ingredients if they’re not on the government’s list of toxic substances. But the government doesn’t test them, so how will they know if they’re toxic or not? Currently, we know of at least 80 chemicals that cause cancer that are in our daily routine products. Heard about Bisphenol A (BPA) in the news lately? It’s in plastics and has been leaching out into our food, baby formula, and household products. Oh, joy, my aching liver.

If you think the EPA or FDA is keeping an eye on things, guess again. They have no funding for such things and rely on the manufacturer to provide information regarding toxicity from their own research. Oh, yeah, I’ll bet that happens a lot. According to the EPA, only 7% of the nearly 300,000 chemicals available in the US have toxicology reports.

And it’s not just your cleaning products. Body lotions, shampoo, bath soap, shower gel, nail polish remover, toothpaste, face creams, and the list goes on are all absorbed through the skin. In medicine, they call it the “transdermal” route. More and more medications are being delivered that way because it bypasses the stomach acid and heads straight for the blood stream. And if you want it to get there really fast, you give it under the tongue, called the “sublingual” route. So where do you think the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and propylene glycol in your toothpaste is going?

We have to get smart as consumers, and start reading labels. More health conscious stores carry some brands that are safer, but what do we really know about those companies? Colgate bought Toms of Maine and put the sodium lauryl sulfate back in it. Clorox bought Burt's Bees. Oh, there's a name I want to trust. They can volunteer to test their ingredients and pass that information on to the EPA??? I’ve been doing my homework, and I think I’ve found a few solutions. I use Neways International products in my home, on my body, and I take their nutritional supplements. Check it out at http://ineways.com/holtholistichealing.