Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Nagging Issues of Aging

It starts with a twinge when you over do something and you figure it's probably nothing. Gradually, it occurs more often, but you accept it since you've experienced it before. You think it's "just" aging. Maybe yes, maybe no.

I had a yoga teacher who explained how we lose our balance and strength as we age. It starts with a loss of core strength. Those abdominal and pelvic muscles that keep our back strong weaken with lack of use (you sit at a desk more and don't play as much on the weekend) and, if you are female, childbirth. So, the ribcage collapses forward slightly and excentuates the curve in your lower back, weakening it further. It also pulls out the curve in your thoracic spine, causing your neck to hyperextend so you can see where you are going as you walk. This all pulls you out of balance over your pelvis, so you are fighting falling forward with each step, so gradually that you don't notice it. Until you think about the little old lady with the walker- that's what you're working toward.

If this isn't what you are designing to be, then rethink your exercise regime and your diet. It's all related. If you don't have enough minerals in your diet, as your bones demineralize you will start a similar stoop from lack of bone strength in your spine.

All issues of aging start like this. A small aggravation which we ignore until it is too big to be ignored. Can't walk as far or as fast as when you were 20? That problem started at 35, not 55. If you don't take care of what you have now, you won't have it long.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Transforming Health Care

Boy, my blood gets to boiling often these days. Too many people believe all this nonsense passing as "science" because the government lets it go by. Do we have healthcare? I don't think so, at least not in mainstream medicine. Here's why:

Doctors and nurses are not educated in health maintanence, they are educated in disease management. Most physicians have fewer than 10 hours of nutritional education in medical school. That's shocking, since diet is what causes disease in the first place and is the basis for healing.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, 40% of American hospitals have fast food restaurants on their campus. What? We have the Susan G. Koman foundation letting Kentucky Fried Chicken put their pink ribbon on the buckets of chicken we are supposed to buy so we don't get cancer? What??? This is a travesty!

The government needs to support a healthy nation. We need food subsudies that support fruits and vegetables, not packaged food. People on food stamps should find it cheaper to eat fresh than packaged. In fact, all of us should. We need a tax on junk food to discourage people from feeding their sugar habits. It is a personal choice, but we humans tend to take the least painful path.

Now go out there and eat a nice fresh salad!

So, if we are really interested in cutting costs in medical care, we are going to have to do our part by cutting out all fast food, eating mostly raw vegetables and fruits, eating clean protein (like meat that is at least hormone and antibiotic free), and stopping the binge eating of chips, crackers, white flour products, packaged snack foods, frozen TV dinners (yes, that includes Lean Cuisine), and sugar. Otherwise, we are chasing the tail of the dragon and we will never be able to keep up with the cost of the monster that passes for healthcare in this country.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tainted meat

This week's news included a just released story from 2008! It seems Mexico refused a shipment of USDA meat because their testing found heavy metals (copper), pesticide residue, and antibiotic residue that did not meet their standards. What? The USDA passed it but Mexico did not? Sad indeed. Of course, the next question is what happened next. Nothing. So, the beef you are eating does not pass Mexico's standard for human consumption but it does in the US. So why did it take so long for us to hear about this? Well, according to the story in USA Today, an audit was just released that shows USDA meat is not adequately tested for these contaminants and limits have not been set by the USDA and the EPA. Below is a table from the article about the contaminants and the possible effects on humans.

Drug or substance
Potential side effects

Fecal blood, gastrointestinal ulcers and renal necrosis

Life-threatening allergic reaction; nerve damage; severe inflammation of the colon; swelling of the lips, tongue or face; bleeding; diarrhea

Non-malignant skin lesions, skin malignancy, internal malignancies, vascular diseases and hypertension

Hemolysis, jaundice, changes in lipid profile, oxidative stress, renal dysfunction and death

Poisoning of the nerves or nerve cells

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General

Now, go look up a source for organic meat and stop buying it at the grocery store!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Are energy drinks safe?

Mostly not- especially those sugary ones with 200-300 calories per can! Also, watch your caffeine intake. A small amount of caffeine has not been found to be harmful for most people, but large amounts, especially when used as a replacement for adequate sleep, can harm the adrenal glands and your heart and cardiovascular system.

Neways will be releasing a new energy drink with a blend of acai berries and other healthful fruits in June. I got to try some at the convention, and not only is it delicious, it didn't keep me up half the night with an "over-buzz" like so many other things I've tried.

Stay tuned for more information as this new product is released!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Love where you are

Health is also a state of mind. Love what you do, love where you are. You can always create more in your life- but it has to be done from a positive state of mind. Visualize yourself doing exactly what you want to be doing every day- preferably before falling asleep. Imagine how you'll feel doing this, and exactly what will happen. What will people say about you? Use as much detail as possible. You can even record this and listen to it several times a day. I love the book by Richard Brooke "Mach II with your hair on fire". Read it and see if it doesn't help you too!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Healthy Tip

Stretching every day is a great way to keep the energy flowing and your spirits up. Incorporate at least one stretch to address every main muscle group, and don't forget your neck! Tension loves to hang out there. Breathe as you stretch and notice where your tension is. You can monitor your progress by noting how tension is less when you regularly stretch. Stretching regularly and systematically also improves muscle strength and balance.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I'm back from a host of other projects. You are probably here as a result of visiting my website- thank you for coming by! If you have not been to my website, go to and check it out. I have lots of information and products I recommend for a variety of concerns. I am most concerned about your health and that of your family. Please send me a message if you have any questions.

My new office is doing great- and I really appreciate my new and returning clients. My first love is doing bodywork and energy therapies, but there are some aspects to health that you must address to help me help you.

The toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis are overwhelming and ubiquitous (that means they're everywhere). We can't avoid them all, but we can pick our battles. For the life of me, I do not understand how any mother can, in good conscience, expose her child to the toxins of common commercial baby products! Especially when Neways products are so affordable and so effective. I understand in these economic times that money is tight- so why not make it work for you? Why not open a FREE account with Neways, switch brands, and start making money back on things you already buy? AND protect your family and friends from the toxic ingredients of personal care products?

So, I say, turn off the toxic tap (stop putting known toxins on your skin and in your mouth) and then give your body what it needs to heal and stay healthy. Please contact me for information on how I can help you with this. You won't be disappointed!